Our Services
A basic scrub of your project so it’s squeaky clean.
We’ll proofread your project to correct cosmetic errors, catching all those pesky spelling mistakes, typos, punctuation problems, capitalization errors, and any awkward grammar. This service is appropriate for the final stages of any project after all major content revisions have been made.
Red pen in hand, we’ll copyedit your project, providing lots of constructive feedback to strengthen your argument.
We’ll verify internal accuracy and double-check facts, reworking and restructuring sentences and paragraphs to create consistency and flow. We may also suggest reordering ideas or paragraphs. The goals of the Associate Professor are to ensure that your ideas are consistent, clear, and effectively communicated and to strengthen your argument, making it more engaging to reader and reviewer alike.
The result will be a stronger argument and a cleaner article but with lots of feedback to help you rework the article to get it that much closer to publication status. This editing service is best suited to writing projects in the mid-to-late revision stage.
Two editing services in one to strengthen your argument and make sure it’s polished.
First Draft: Formerly referred to as a content edit, we'll collaborate with you to develop and solidify the ideas and content of your project, helping you revise and overhaul your project. The goals of The Full Professor are to develop your ideas and content while reworking, restructuring, and rewriting the text, as needed. Because much of the project will likely be revised, we do not offer grammar and usage corrections on the First Draft.
Second Draft: Like the Associate Professor, this service would be most useful for those at the beginning or aggressive revision phases of a project.
Compare Services
Price per word
Correct spelling & grammar
Revision summary
Check internal accuracy
Double-check facts
Rework/restructure sentences
Reorder paragraphs/ideas
Address overall organization
Develop and solidify argument
Second round of proofreading
Formatting (print & electronic)